Stormwater Management


David Ognan | email hidden; JavaScript is required | 518-434-2922

What is stormwater?
Stormwater is water from rain or melting snow that doesn’t soak into the ground but runs into waterways, also called runoff.

What is stormwater pollution?
As stormwater flows from rooftops, over paved areas, bare soil, and through sloped lawns, it collects and transports contaminants such as animal waste, debris, fertilizers, garbage, oil and grease, pesticides, salt, sediment, and other pollutants throughout the Village. This pollutant heavy runoff is discharged directly into our streams and rivers, untreated.

What can you do to help?
If you see any potential contamination entering a catch basin, contact the Stormwater Program Coordinator, David Ognan.

Examples include dog waste bags and ash deliberately placed in Village storm drains. PLEASE dispose of these items properly in a trash receptacle.

Often stormwater pollution can be prevented before it enters the storm sewer system or waters itself. Below are some suggestions:

Lawn Care

  • Use fertilizers and pesticides sparingly and according to the directions.
  • Do not fertilize if rain is forecasted within the next 48 hours.
  • Seed any exposed soil to prevent it from being carried away in runoff.

Vehicle Care

  • Wash your car at a commercial car wash, or on your lawn where the soil can filter the dirty and soapy water.
  • Check under your vehicle for leaks or spills.
  • Clean up any oil or chemical spills with an absorbent material like cat litter or sand.
  • Never dispose of oil or other engine fluids down the storm drain, on the ground, or into a ditch.

Pet Waste Disposal

  • Never dispose of pet waste down storm drains or sewers; pet waste contains coliform bacteria, which creates health risks for people.

Swimming Pools

  • Test the water to ensure no chlorine is detected before you drain your pool.
  • Drain your pool onto the lawn slowly to prevent erosion.


  • Collect roof water in rain barrels and reuse it to water your lawn or garden.
  • Direct gutter downspouts into a vegetated area or a rain garden where it can be filtered through the soil.

For brochures and other ways to prevent stormwater pollution, visit the Stormwater Coalition website:

Village of Menands Stormwater Program

The Clean Water Act requires that small municipalities like the Village develop and implement a program to prevent stormwater pollution.

Like other municipalities, the Village has passed local laws to better managing stormwater runoff during and after construction. Staff and municipal partners routinely inspect outfalls and municipal facilities for evidence of stormwater pollution. If observed, actions are taken to reduce the risk of pollution.

To educate the public and learn about changing regulations, the Village is a member of the Stormwater Coalition of Albany County. The Village is one of 13 member communities all regulated under the Clean Water Act.

As a member of the Stormwater Albany County Coalition, the Village of Menands and others jointly prepare:

MS4 Permit Annual Report:
Stormwater Management Program “Annual Evaluation”:

These documents explain the many ways the Village and other Coalition members are working individually and together to clean up our local streams and rivers for the betterment of the waters of the United States.